Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Real-time Bus Schedule Information may soon be only "One Bus Away"

One Bus AwayDuring Monday's HART Major Projects & Legislative Committee meeting, HART unveiled a real-time passenger pilot project underway between HART and USF's Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR). The pilot is testing One Bus Away, transportation technology that tells users where their bus is and how much time until the next one departs. Similar technology is currently offered by PSTA to its customers

HART was chosen for this pilot because of its property size, physical proximity to CUTR, as well as previous partnerships that already involved the use of HART data. 

One Bus Away provides Real-time info
Over the next year, the pilot will focus on one or two major routes, and target its potential use for web, Droid Smartphones, and basic cell phones. The pilot will research the feasibility of deploying this technology to the entire HART network, including via text messages and integrating it with the current HART Interactive Voice Response system.

HART currently makes its data of scheduled times available for third-party application developers; and RouteShout, TransitTimes and Mapnificent use this data to provide customers with different online and smartphone applications.

Stay tuned for more updates about this pilot project!

Next HART Board Meeting
  • July 16: Finance, Governance & Administration Committee, then Regular Board

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